
recovery scheme中文什么意思

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  • 恢复方案
  • 开采方案
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  1. Research of image recovery scheme on dicom acquisition gateway
  2. Under the guidance of the private housing estate task force , many private estates have joined waste recovery schemes
  3. The unconventional solvent properties of ionic liquids have been exploited in biocatalyst recycling and product recovery schemes
  4. Of the amount of public money spent so far on the waste recovery scheme ( with a breakdown of the costs of recovery bins , the fees payable to transport companies and recyclable waste collectors , etc . )
    迄今为推行该废物回收计划所动用的公帑款额(请分项列明回收箱、聘用运输公司和回收商等费用) ;
  5. Five private and public housing estates are participating in a trial recovery scheme , including cho yiu chuen , homantin estate , easy point city , bayshore towers , pacific view , saddle ridge garden , the waterside and metro city phase i . the trial , which is organised by the epd , aims to recover dry , clean and tidy post - consumer plastic bags for recycling


        recovery:    n. 1.重获;复得;恢复,收回,回收。 2.还原,复原 ...
        scheme:    n. 1.计划;方案;路线;设计。 2.系统;配合;组织 ...
        cryolite recovery scheme:    冰晶石加收流程
        error recovery scheme:    错误校正方案
        scheme:    n. 1.计划;方案;路线;设计。 2.系统;配合;组织。 3.纲目;表;清单;分类表;大纲。 4.谋划,策划;诡计;奸计;阴谋。 5.图,图式,图型,图解,图表;图纸,设计图,流程图;示意图;线路图。 6.电路。 a scheme of distribution 【法律】分红表。 a scheme of scantling 【造船】船体各部明细表。 a scheme of wiring 【电学】线路图。 bubble scheme 空头计划(用空头计划诱人认股,进行诈骗取利)。 scheme of a symphony 交响乐的结构。 under the present scheme of society 在现社会机构下。 contrive [form, lay] a scheme 计划,拟方案,策划。 in the scheme of things 在事物发展过程中。 prepare a scheme of ... 作…的计划。 (a painter's) scheme of colour (某画家的)著色法。 vt.,vi. 1.计划;设计。 2.策划;阴谋;图谋;策动 (for to)。 scheme to do sth. 策划某事。 scheme for power 阴谋夺权。 -er 计划者;阴谋家,野心家。,-ing adj. 1. 计划的。 2. 策划的;诡诈的,诡计多端的。
        scheme for it:    你会为真理而奋斗吗
        this scheme:    此种方案; 这个程式
        in recovery:    改出时
        recovery:    n. 1.重获;复得;恢复,收回,回收。 2.还原,复原;痊愈;苏生;矫正。 3.回缩。 4.填地。 5.【法律】胜诉。
        upstream scheme upwind scheme:    迎风格式
        upstreame scheme, upwind scheme:    迎风格式
        recovery room recovery room:    康复室
        a pension scheme:    养老金方案
        a scheme for escaping:    逃跑的阴谋
        access scheme:    存取方案; 存取模式
        action scheme:    动作型式
        addressing scheme:    编址方案; 寻址方案
        adoption scheme:    领管计划〔领管公众地方进行清扫的计划
        aggregation scheme:    聚合模式
        algebraic scheme:    代数概型
        allocation scheme:    分配方式; 配线计划; 配线图
        alternative scheme:    备用方案; 比较方案; 供选择的方案; 替代方案
        amortization scheme:    使用分期计算模式
        annuity scheme:    年金制度
        anticipation scheme:    配额预用方案


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